End-to-end logistics solutions for Australia

Find useful information for your daily business as well as latest news and contact details. Do you have any further questions? Our team will be happy to assist you.

Local information

Main office
Maersk A/S Australia as agent of Hamburg Süd A/S (Head Office)
Level 8
383 Kent Street
NSW 2000 Sydney
Phone: +61 2 93731000
Fax: +61 2 93731100
E-Mail: service@au.hamburgsud.com
Opening hours
Mon - Fri
08:30 am – 05:00 pm

Operating from the 5 key ports across Australia, linked to our multi-modal global network, we help connect Australia’s businesses to their customers and suppliers across the world.

Maintaining office presence in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Fremantle, we combine local expertise, strong network capabilities and personal customer service to ensure your cargo arrives when and where you need it

Useful Information

Want to book your cargo transport right away? These quick links might help you to find the right functionality:

We are by your side

You would like to learn more about Hamburg Süd and about what else we can do for you? Don't hesitate to contact us – our experts will be happy to help you at any time.

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