End-to-end Logistics Solutions for Egypt

Find useful information for your daily business as well as latest news and contact details. Do you have any further questions? Our team will be happy to assist you.

Local information

Main office
Hamburg Süd Egypt Maritime Agencies S.A.E.
5, Victor Bassili St.
Phone: +20 3 48 80 700
E-Mail: ALY-SALES@hamburgsud.com
Opening hours

Apart from Ocean, Land and Air Freight transportation, we offer a wide range of Supply Chain End to End solutions supported by digital platforms. Thereby you can concentrate on running your business while we deliver your promises to your customers.

We are by your side

You would like to learn more about Hamburg Süd and about what else we can do for you? Don't hesitate to contact us – our experts will be happy to help you at any time.

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