End-to-end logistics solutions for China

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Local information

Main office
26/F, Pingan Riverfront Financial Center,
No.757, Mengzi Road,
Huangpu District,
Shanghai, 200020, China

Import related queries:
Export related queries:
Opening hours
Mon - Fri
09:00 - 18:00 (Local time) 

As the leading container shipping company in China (including Hong Kong), we have connected Chinese businesses to the world for nearly a century. We are present at 36 ports, and provide you with a seamless connection to our unrivalled global fleet.

Whatever you need to transport, our goal is to deliver a best-in-class customer service every time, and make sure your cargo arrives when and where you need it.

We are by your side

You would like to learn more about Hamburg Süd and about what else we can do for you? Don't hesitate to contact us – our experts will be happy to help you at any time.

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