End-to-end logistics solutions for Brazil

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Local information

Hamburg Süd Brasil
Av. Romulo Maiorana, 700
Ed. Vitta Office, Sala 212
66093-605 Belem
Phone: +55 11 3164-4752
Sales Subjects: sales.support@maersk.com
Import related queries: br.import@maersk.com
Export related queries: br.export@maersk.com
Opening hours
 08:00 to 18:00

Our direct services to and from Brazil connect you to our vast ocean fleet. From here, the rest of the world is just a short hop away.

Whether you need to import or export standard container shipments, reefers or oversized cargo, we have the local expertise and global network needed to get it to its destination. We have direct feeders to Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and regular connections to every other part of the world.

Useful Information

Want to book your cargo transport right away? These quick links might help you to find the right functionality:

We are by your side

You would like to learn more about Hamburg Süd and about what else we can do for you? Don't hesitate to contact us – our experts will be happy to help you at any time.

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